Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Muffin Tin TUESDAY...I know it's revolutionary!

It's Tuesday, not Monday...so why, why am I posting a Muffin Tin lunch?  I love them! But we're not home on Mondays, which means no Muffin Tin Monday.   I realize that Muffin Tin Tuesday is a little wacky, but hey, so am I.

Lunch was inspired by the left over spaghetti taking up space in the fridge.  Well, that and the girls really love pasta.   It was so easy to fill in the other cups with sides that go great with spaghetti and an Italian theme.    And you have the benefit of really good serving sizes in a traditional size muffin tin cup.

We have a bit of spaghetti, some cheddar and string cheese on picks, sliced mini peppers, a clementine orange, a couple strawberries, some green beans and some garlic toast sticks.  I served it with a glass of cold milk to round it out.  They've been busy eating for about 10 minutes and I haven't heard a sound, I guess that means they're loving it!


  1. This is a lunch that I would actually eat :)

  2. Glad you like it...I can make some more grown up lunches, or lunches for older kids (teens) if thats something you'd like to see. My girls will eat all sorts of things, so I'm happy to do it!

  3. Your muffin tin lunch looks so colorful! Of course you are welcome to link up to Muffin Tin Monday at http://muffintinmom.com anytime of the week, not just on Mondays. :)

  4. Michelle, Love your blog! Do you care if I'm a day late? Due to our "not at home, homeschool schedule" I'm doing Muffin Tins on Tuesday;)
