Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hippity Hoppity

Easter is getting closer, and I love this time of year.  It's filled with so much promise, new beginnings, fresh exhilarating!  First, Easter is special to our family because as Christians, we celebrate the death and Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, what an amazing blessing.  Second, I love any excuse to plan a fun family event.  And finally it's such a great food time of year, there are so many lovely spring fruits and veggies available and it makes cooking and packing lunches a breeze!

Today's lunches are an Italian Easter (really it was what GiGi requested) and I know it's a stretch, but they sure look yummy!

GiGi's lunch has salami, butterfly cheddar cheese slices and whole wheat crackers, a little cutie, some baby dill pickles, butterfly cucumber slices, mushrooms and carrot coins, two tea cookies and a peep!
LiLi's lunch has salami, butterfly cheddar slices and whole wheat crackers, a little cutie, mini pickles, butterfly cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes and two tea cookies and a peep!

These lunches are packed in our Easylunchbox containers.  If your interested in buying some for yourself, click on the link on my main page!

1 comment:

  1. Cute, I didn't catch this one on facebook where I normally do. Love all of the Easter cuteness!
